All updates

Date Version Content
2015/09/27 0.1.2 Opened to public
2015/11/8 0.1.3 Updated video section
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Date Version Content
2016/4/27 0.2.0 Website back
2016/5/1 0.2.1 Updated menu bar
2016/5/6 0.2.2 Updated video section
2016/5/7 0.2.3 Menu bar update
2016/5/22 0.2.4 Video section has an individual folder now
2016/6/20 0.3.0 Added "About me" section and subscribe buttons in "Videos"
2016/7/8 0.3.1 Added some visual effects in "Videos"
2016/7/12 0.3.2 Photo section has an individual folder now.
New content will be added in a couple weeks.
2016/8/2 0.4.1 Updated Hong Kong LRT, added some new photos and "LRT Station" section.
2016/8/14 0.4.2 Added 3 photos and replaced 2 photos in "LRT Station" section.
2016/8/21 0.4.3 - Added "Latest photos" and changed the update table to just show latest updates.
- The new "Updates" page will contain all previous update information.
- Added "Sam Shing Stop" to "LRT Stops"
2016/10/02 0.4.4 - New appearance and description in "Hong Kong Lrt" section.
- Added 15 photos to "Hong Kong Lrt".
- Minor tweaks in main page and "All update notes" section.
2016/10/18 0.4.5 - Added 7 photos to "Hong Kong Lrt".
- "Other Simulation Games" section changed to "Train Simulator" section.
2016/11/06 0.4.6 - Added 2 photos to "Hong Kong Lrt".
- New menu designs for "Photos" and "Videos" section
2016/12/11 0.4.7 - Added 18 photos to "Hong Kong Lrt".
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Date Version Content
2017/01/02 0.5.0 - Added the section "Hong Kong Railways (Urban Line)".
- Added 57 photos to the sub-section "South Island Line".
- Added 3 photos in "Hong Kong Railways (Light Rail)"
- Corrected some incorrect photo links
- Corrected some typo in serveral pages.
2017/01/17 0.5.1 - Added 31 photos to "Island Line" and "Kwun Tong Line" in "Hong Kong Railways (Urban Line)".
- Added 11 photos in "Hong Kong Railways (Light Rail)"
- Corrected some incorrect effects and links.
2017/02/04 0.5.2 - Adjusteded the display method of all sections in "Hong Kong Railways (Light Rail)".
- Added descriptions and map locations to all sections in "Hong Kong Railways (Light Rail)".
2017/02/10 0.5.3 - Rename "About me" to "About us".
- Added copyright notice to "About us".
- Change all website titles to the corresponding page name.
2017/04/25 0.6.0 - Added "Plarail trains" under "Photos"。
- Added temporary "Game screenshots" under "Photos", only Train Simulator currently.
- Added 3 photos in "Hong Kong Railways (Light Rail).
- Corrected some links in several pages.
2017/05/25 0.6.1 - Added "East Rail Line" and "West Rail Line" (total of 19 photos) in "Hong Kong Railways (Urban Line).
- Added 1 photo (LRT phase 4 train, no. 1115) in "Hong Kong Railways (Light Rail).
- Edited some information in "About us".
- Corrected some links in several pages.
2017/06/02 0.6.2 - Added 5 photos to "Kwun Tong Line" and "East Rail Line" in "Hong Kong Railways (Urban Line).
- Added "Hong Kong Tramway" in "Photos".
- Corrected some links in several pages.
2017/06/18 0.6.3 - Added "Other Games" to "Videos"
2017/07/23 0.6.4 - Added 5 photos to "LRT Stops"
- Added 1 photos to "Phase 3 vehicle"
- Added some information to "About us"
- Corrected some links in several pages.
2017/08/09 0.7.0 - Upgraded photo gallery plugin from Fancybox to Fancybox3.
- Added 7 photos to "Light Rail Stops"
- Added 3 photos to "West Rail Line"
- Corrected some text in several pages.
2017/08/18 0.7.1 - Added 23 photos to "Hong Kong Tramways"
- Added 2 photos to "LRT Sam Shing Stop"
- Some of the "Photos" page has a banner that relates to the page.
2017/08/31 0.7.2 - Added 3 photos to "Tin Wing Stop"
- More pages has a content related banner.
- Intergrated slideshow for serveral pages.
- Fixed the YouTube subscribe button on all the video pages.
- Text alignment in this table and "Past updates" table are slightly changed.
2017/10/16 0.7.3 - Added 4 photos to "East Rail Line"
2017/11/22 0.7.4 - Added 3 photos to "East Rail Line"
- Added 20 photos to "Game screenshots"
2017/12/22 0.8.1 - Updated "About us" section.
- Updated one of the photos in "LRT phase 2 vehicle".
- Added 1 photo to "LRT phase 1 vehicle".
- Added "Disneyland Resort Line" section in "Hong Kong Railways (Urban Line)", 15 photos included.
- Added "Game Screenshots" with 3 game section.
- Added a few more themed banners.
- Fixed some incorrect image links.
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Date Version Content
2018/01/19 0.8.2 - Updated "About us" section.
- Seperated "Train Simulator screenshots" as 4 regions.
- Added 15 screenshots to "American Truck Simulator".
- Added 15 screenshots to "Euro Truck Simulator 2".
2018/02/2 0.8.3 - Updated some outdated menu photos.
- Added 34 screenshots to "Train Simulator screenshots (Britian routes)".
2018/02/19 0.8.4 - Corrected some image links.
- Added 5 photos to "Hong Kong Tramway".
- Added 1 photo to "Kwun Tong Line".
- Added photo descriptions to "Hong Kong Tramway", will be implentment to all photos soon.
2018/03/30 0.8.5 - Fixed some page not displaying the correct photos.
- Added 18 photos to "Train Simulator screenshots (Europe routes)".
- Added photo descriptions to all photos in "MTR Urban Lines"
2018/05/31 0.9.0 - Changed the apperrence of some table content.
- Added 4 photos to "Euro Truck Simulator 2 screenshots".
- "LRT phase 1 vehicle" is combined into 1 page.
- "Tin Wing Stop" photos are combined in one page and seperated by year.
2018/06/19 0.9.1 - Fixed some image links.
- Added 3 more themed banners (1 for ETS2, 2 for Train Sim).
- Added 16 photos to "Train Simulator screenshots (Asian routes)".
- Added 11 photos to "Train Simulator screenshots (British routes)".
- Added photo descriptions to all photos of phase 1 - 4 vehicles in "MTR Light Rail"
2018/08/05 0.9.2 - Fixed some image links.
- Added 1 photos to "Hong Kong Tramways".
- Added 7 photos to "MTR East Rail Line".
- Added photo descriptions to all stop photos in "MTR Light Rail"
2018/09/23 0.9.3 - Fixed some image links.
- Added 82 photos to "Train Simulator screenshots (British routes)".
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Date Version Content
2019/01/15 0.10.0 - Storage for new photos will use the host server instead of using Imgur.
- The bottom of the main page is now use for featured photos.
- Updated some menu photos.
- Updated FancyBox plugin from 3.1.20 to 3.5.6.
- Updated "About us"
- Added 12 photos to "Train Simulator screenshots (British routes)".
- Added 12 photos to "Train Simulator screenshots (European routes)".
- Added 4 photos to "American Tuck Simulator".
- Added 6 photos to "MTR Kwun Tong Line".
- Added 15 photos to "Mtr East Rail Line".
2019/02/09 0.10.1 - Add some new theme banners.
- Changed some menu photos.
- Fixed some broken links.
- Added Train Sim World videos to "Train Simulator Videos".
- Added 24 screenshots to the new page "Train Sim World screenshots".
- Added 12 screenshots to "Train Simulator screenshots (British routes)".
- Added 12 screenshots to "Train Simulator screenshots (European routes)".
- Added 5 photos to "Euro Tuck Simulator 2".
- Added 4 photos to "MTR Kwun Tong Line".
- Added 4 photos to "Hong Kong Tramways".
2019/05/18 0.11.0 - Fixed some pages that cannot open the photo gallery.
- Fixed some broken links.
- Added "Tsuen Wan Line" in Hong Kong Railways (Urban Line) with 10 photos.
- Added "Hong Kong Peak Tram" with 15 photos.
- Added 3 photos to "East Rail Line".
- Added 5 photos to "West Rail Line".
- Added 3 photos to "Hong Kong Tramways".
- Added 1 photos to "Light Rail Stops".
- Added 24 screenshots to "Train Simulator screenshots (British routes)".
- Modified some text in "About Us".
2019/08/26 0.11.1 - Fixed some broken links.
- Added an icon to the website.
- Seperated Railway Videos into: Hong Kong, Mainland China, Singapore & Japan.
- Added 3 screenshots to "Euro Truck Simulator 2".
- Added 2 screenshots to "American Truck Simulator".
- Added 8 screenshots to "Train Simulator screenshots (British routes)".
- Added 12 screenshots to "Train Simulator screenshots (Europe routes)".
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Date Version Content
2020/01/05 0.11.2 - Added "Macau LRT" videos.
- Added 9 photos in new section "Macau LRT".
- Added 21 photos to "East Rail Line".
- Added 3 photos to "Kwun Tong Line".
- Added 2 photos to "South Island Line".
- Added 1 photos to "West Rail Line".
- Added 12 screenshots to "Train Simulator screenshots (USA routes)".
- Added 12 screenshots to "Train Simulator screenshots (Europe routes)".
- Added 10 screenshots to "Train Sim World".
2020/02/21 0.11.3 - Fixed a few broken links.
- Revamped all banner images and menu images.
- Added 26 photos in new section "Tuen Ma Line Phase 1".
- Added 24 screenshots to "Train Simulator screenshots (Asian routes)".
- Added 10 screenshots to "Train Sim World".
2020/05/04 0.12.0 - Fixed a few broken links and functions.
- Added 329 photos in new section "Japan Railways".
- Added 10 screenshots to "Train Sim World".
2020/09/25 0.12.1 - Fixed a few broken links and images.
- Added 2 photos to "Kwun Tong Line".
- Added 1 photos to "Tsuen Wan Line".
- Added 9 photos to "East Rail Line".
- Added 2 photos to "West Rail Line".
- Added 4 photos to "Light Rail Stops".
- Added 8 photos to "Hong Kong Tramways".
- Added 8 photos to "Hong Kong Peak Tram".
- Added 8 screenshots to "Train Simulator screenshots (Europe routes)".
- Added 45 screenshots to "Train Sim World".
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Date Version Content
2021/02/07 0.12.2 - Fixed a few broken links.
- Updated the main banners and theme banners.
- Added 14 photos to "East Rail Line".
- Added 3 photos to "West Rail Line".
- Added 1 photos in new section "Airport Express"".
- Added 9 photos in new section "LRT Phase 5 vehicle"".
- Added 3 screenshots to "Euro Truck Simulator 2".
- Added 5 screenshots to "American Truck Simulator".
2021/06/24 0.12.3 - Updated the main banners and theme banners.
- Added 1 screenshots to "Euro Truck Simulator 2".
- Added 7 screenshots to "American Truck Simulator".
2021/07/09 0.13.1 - Updated the main banner and themed banners.
- Added 1 photos to "Island Line".
- Added 5 photos to "Airport Express".
- Added 28 photos to "East Rail Line".
- Tuen Ma Line has fully opened, "West Rail Line" & "Tuen Ma Line Phase 1" are merged into Tuen Ma Line.
- Added 43 West Rail Line photos to "Tuen Ma Line".
- Added 9 Tuen Ma Line Phase 1 photos to "Tuen Ma Line".
- Added 23 Tuen Ma Line photos to "Tuen Ma Line".
- Added 1 photos to "LRT Phase 1 vehicle".
- Added 3 photos to "Light Rail Stops".
- Added 14 photos to "Hong Kong Tramways".
- Added 13 photos to "Hong Kong Peak Tram".
- Added 10 screenshots to "Train Simulator screenshots (Asian routes)".
- Added 18 screenshots to "Train Simulator screenshots (British routes)".
- Added 12 screenshots to "Train Simulator screenshots (European routes)".
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